Dan Ferguson – AT THE EDGE OF REALISM – Kirk Gallery. Aalborg, Denmark

QSS artist Dan Ferguson is showing in Kirk Gallery, Denmark as part of At The Edge Of Realism
Exhibition Dates: 7-28 October
Opening Event: Saturday | 7 October | 12-2 PM Kirk Gallery. Aalborg, Denmark
 ‘At the Edge of Realism’ is a group exhibition comprising of a mix of painting and sculpture from 12 highly recognised artists known for their unique interpretations at the edge of realism.In a real/surreal imaginary each artist digs into warped narratives telling their stories of very individual imaginaries in exquisite handcraft.Fear, joy, love, anxiety depicted with lots of empathy and exchange of unspoken words. Emotions and repressed feelings that are often better said in silence.The characters in the artworks allows the viewer to contemplate all these in a new language.
In this way the artists create masterfully rendered figurative work with a contemporary twist bridging the gap between Fine Arts and New Contemporary.


Oct 07 - 28 2023

Annual Members Christmas Exhibition and Sale
