Sharon Kelly – British School at Rome

QSS artist Sharon Kelly is currently settling into her residency at the British School at Rome.

The residency is funded through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland British School at Rome Fellowship.

Sharon will be there from January to March 2023 (part deferred from 2020) and while there her main focus of research is: Human anatomical/medical collections and the metaphorical role of textile in art relating to intimate human experience.

The fellowship runs for six months every two years and is open to artists of all disciplines who have made a contribution to artistic activities in Northern Ireland. Visual art awards at the British School at Rome (BSR) offer artists the opportunity to research and focus on their work away from normal pressures, and to use the BSR as a base to explore Rome and Italy. Awards include board and accommodation in one of the school’s purpose-designed artist’s studios.

You can find an interview between the British School at Rome and Sharon, in which she speaks about the works she produced during the first months of her residency at the BSR in 2020-21 HERE