reuben brown

Reuben Brown

Reuben Brown (b.2001) is a queer sculptor and new media artist, specialising in 3D-CG (computer-generated) animation, interactive installation and performance, based in Belfast, N.Ireland. He is currently a studio-holder at Queen Street Studios, Belfast, and is undertaking a residency at the Digital Art Studios, Belfast. Reuben graduated from Belfast School of Art in June 2022 with a BFA Fine Art Sculpture/Lens where his degree show was shortlisted for the RDS Visual Arts Awards, and featured in The Irish Arts Review’s Fall 2022 edition.

The core intention of his practice is to explore the unique collective relationships we have with our bodies and identities in relation to the Internet, and to simultaneously appreciate and critique the various self-destructive and fetishistic avatars and iterations of ourselves that we forge and perform as on the Internet. Currently, he is working on a research-driven, experimental project which will manifest as several interactive installations which combine 3D-CG animation, sculpture, ephemeral architecture, robotics, virtual realities and performance as core media.

This body of work is inspired by the practices of ancient queer-centric quasi-religions, experiences of euphoric queer actualisation, the ephemerality and possibility of space, the prospect (and reality) of machine-learning and machine-informed artistic practice, and the mysticism that cloaks the impending metaverse.

Reuben Brown
