Kwok Tsui – BORDER | SKY

The exhibition of new works centres on Kwok’s personal experience as an immigrant living in Northern Ireland and growing up under the hostile environment of British immigration policy. It explores themes of displacement and the notion of identities.

Kwok works at scale. The paintings are experiential, with the intention of echoing emotions through relatable threads, sharing the feelings of isolation and instability, whilst resting in a calm space. The surface of the paintings are muted and largely monochromatic, composed of many thin layers of paint which reveal traces of each previous existing iteration and identity.

Sharing his work and his vulnerability, Kwok hopes that his experiences will be relatable to those engaging with his work, particularly in the current climate of uncertainty that many of us live within.

17 Nov 2023

28 Jan 2024

15 Ely Pl, Dublin, Ireland