Reuben Brown
Reuben Brown [he/him] is an emerging visual artist and curator currently based in Belfast, N.Ireland, specialising in 3D-CGI (computer-generated) animation and filmography, interactive and experiential installation and performance. He is a member and studio-holder at QSS Artist Studios and Gallery in East Belfast, after graduating from Belfast School of Art in Summer 2022.
He is the founder and curator of emerging Belfast-based scenography, visual arts and ephemeral architecture collective, “club [construction]”. With the representation of emerging (primarily queer) digital artists on the island of Ireland at the forefront, “club [construction]” aims to operate the visual arts as ‘tools’ of generation and activation, through employing experimental, innovative and decentralised approaches such as experiential exhibition, interactive installations, film-screenings, participatory performances and encounters with space.
Reuben has exhibited extensively locally, nationally and internationally, including several major solo-exhibitions and curatorial projects in Belfast and Dublin.
He was the recipient of the Agility Award [2024-25] from An Chomhairle Ealaíon / The Arts Council and his as a result his practice is supported by the Irish Arts Council. He was also the recipient of the General Art Award (SIAP) [2023-24], and the Individual Artist Digital Evolution Award (IADE) [2022-23], from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland through the National Lottery.