Anushiya Sundaralingam

I was born in Sri Lanka and currently live and work in Belfast. I completed a BA in Fine & Applied Arts at the University of Ulster, and now work as an artist and arts facilitator for various public, private, and health organisations. My work is represented in numerous private and public collections.

I graduated as a printmaker, however, my work has transitioned to mixed media and installation work that incorporates both two and three dimensional pieces. My work is influenced by the connected notion of a ‘self’ in transition and the challenges of identity as well as the nature of belonging, identity and place. I am interested in my relationship with the space in which I find myself; how my natural and cultural environment shapes my sense of self and place.

When my surroundings change, through displacement, whether by choice or not, I respond and adapt. I work with a range of media to reflect the intricate and layered nature of belonging, identity, place and conflict. The most recent development within my work has engaged with and responded to the exploration of woman’s identity within my culture.

I have been a member of Belfast Print Workshop since 1996 and I am currently based at Queen Street Studios.


Anushiya Sundaralingam
